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Agreement between Rivals 6 Letters

Agreement between Rivals 6 Letters

Agreement between Rivals: A 6-Letter Puzzle Solution!

If you`re a fan of puzzles, particularly the ones which require you to put letters together to form a word, you may have come across the following challenge: “Agreement between rivals (6 letters).” This can be quite a tricky puzzle to solve, especially if you`re not familiar with the language used in such puzzles. But fear not, because in this article, we`ll give you the answer.

The answer to this puzzle is “truce.” A truce is an agreement between two opposing parties to temporarily cease hostilities and come to a peaceful understanding. It`s a term most commonly used in the context of war or conflict, where two armies may agree to a truce to allow for negotiations or to give time for wounded soldiers to be treated.

In a broader sense, a truce can also refer to a temporary cessation of hostilities between any two parties who are in conflict. This could be two rival companies in the same industry, two political parties in a heated election campaign, or even two friends who have had a falling out.

The word “truce” comes from the Old French word “trugue,” which means “a period of peace.” It was first used in English in the early 13th century, and has been an important concept in international relations ever since.

In conclusion, if you ever come across the puzzle “Agreement between rivals (6 letters),” the answer is “truce.” This word may seem simple, but it carries a powerful meaning and has been instrumental in resolving conflicts throughout history. So the next time you hear about two opposing parties coming to a truce, remember the power of this small but significant word.